Why most people quit...

Tanvi Milan Parikh
3 min readMar 16, 2020

Short answer: lack of immediate visible progress.

Long answer: Below..

Did you know that 80% of the people give up their fitness journey within the first 4 weeks … not because they see zero results They may see some results ( 1–2 kgs down) but those are not what they expected!

Here is a small example from my own journey. Comparing 3 months of work vs 1 year of work. In which do you see the most visible change?

Fitness transformation of 3 Months Vs 1 Year.

Results compound over time. And so does determination, effort, and optimism. It’s nearly impossible to crunch this growth in a short time frame because that’s simply now how compounding works.

Why most people QUIT 🚫 (long list version) -

😢 Expect miracles and magic.
😢 It’s hard to take the “effort” of working out and eating clean.
😢 What will society say if I take longer to lose weight?
😢 Pushing too hard for one day and then giving up.
😢 Expecting it to be an easy lifestyle change when it’s not. It’s a 100% lifestyle change. My life right now is 200% different from what it was 2 years ago.
😢 Comparing progress with others.
😢 Competing with others’ rate of fat loss.
😢 Expect the scale to show tremendous change. Body recomposition is an underrated topic of discussion when it comes to fitness transformations. You can drop sizes, look fitter and leaner but still not see a massive drop in overall body weight — because you lost body fat and put on an equal amount of lean muscle.
😢 Don’t enjoy the process (aka learning, implementing new habits, letting go of old ones) and are fixated on results.
😢 Try click-bait targeted fat loss techniques and fail. Eg: doing side bends every day and expecting reduced belly fat.
😢 Label themselves as “foodies” and hide behind the false facts that foodies cannot lose fat.

Some of the above points are factual but most are delusions created in your mind. Below is an even shorter list :

  • Not knowing how to track progress.
  • Looking for short-cuts.
  • No faith in the long-term process.

👏🏼 Snap out of these delusions and put your head down to work. Ever wondered how long it took your body to become unfit? Years and years of mindless eating or lack of movement and laziness — 💀 how can it be undone in just 4 weeks?

You have to push through the expectation of quick fast instant results, because believe it or not, it takes time. And the amount of “time” depends on how un-fit your current lifestyle is.

Don’t give up because you don’t see results, instead promise yourself to grind it out more consistently. Stick to a schedule week after week, month after month. Improve your eating habits & learn what your body rejects. Fall in love with the process of fitness and not just the “results”.

Had I given up in July 2017 I wouldn’t be sharing this picture and my journey. It does not get more real than this. You can do it too. Just stick with it 😃👏🏼

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Follow my 100 Week Fitness, Mindset, Lifestyle Transformation Journey on my Instagram page @iwillgetlean (125K +) where I micro-blog my daily grind of self-cooking, working out, caring for my pup & punching the right keys at Microsoft.

I’d love to hear from you about your fitness wins, lifestyle goals & areas where we all need a cheerleader from time to time! I’m here for you :) #leanwithtanvi



Tanvi Milan Parikh

Fitness & Nutrition coach with indian roots & an engineers mind offering customized coaching via TNV METHOD