Why I Dance Before A 12 AM Deadline (And You Should Too)

Tanvi Parikh
3 min readOct 4, 2024


Self-care is NOT selfish.

Most people are finally warming up to this idea, but our work culture (and modern culture as a whole) makes it a real head-scratcher to be there for ourselves before ticking off the things in our to-do list.

Can I really spend 30 minutes at the gym when I have laundry piling up?

Can I take a break to listen to music when the house looks a mess?

Can I make time for a face mask when I still have emails to answer?

My answer is this:

Yes. Yes, you can.

Say no to compromise

Photo by Juan Camilo Navia on Unsplash

Believe me, I know it’s so much harder than it sounds.

Somehow, we have allowed ourselves to feel that we can, in fact, put our mental health and our body’s needs second to the other external things that dictate our lifestyle, whether it’s our work, our relationships, or the dozen other responsibilities that we add to our plate.

Why? Because we’re acutely aware of the consequences of neglecting them.

Haven’t wrapped up that big presentation? Your boss is going to scream at you.

Haven’t spent 2 hours booking that reservation at that restaurant? Your spouse isn’t going to be happy.

Haven’t checked your emails 15 times a day? Who knows who might be upset if you didn’t.

You get the idea. It’s like a big red alarm going off in your brain whenever you even imagine not doing these things.

It’s truly mind-boggling that we don’t feel the same way about our health, even if we do find ourselves constantly tired and skipping lunches because we absolutely need to make time for the things that are important.

Ask yourself just one question: Aren’t you going through all this stress for the ultimate goal of being happy and healthy, at the end of the day?

At TNV Method, we realize that modern lifestyles make it incredibly difficult for you to actively spend time outside of work taking care of your well-being. Our Transform programs offer the expertise of a Clinical Dietitian, Strength Coach, and a Health Psychologist to offer you 1:1 coaching for both your body and mind, with plans perfectly curated to your specific needs. Investing in your long-term health has never been easier.

When you make self-care a priority:

▪️ You just have so much more energy in your day.

▪️ You ensure you maintain a positive state of mind.

▪️ You develop a deeper appreciation for your own needs and desires.

▪️ You show up as your best self both at work and home.

▪️ You foster healthier relationships by being more present and engaged.

▪️ You establish healthier boundaries.

▪️ You nurture self-compassion, helping you to be kinder to yourself.

▪️ You develop a better sense of self-worth and confidence.

▪️ You boost your immune system, leading to better overall health.

▪️ You increase your overall happiness and life satisfaction.

I know it’s hard to shake off the guilt, especially when you feel there’s always something more important that needs your attention.

But I promise you this: you deserve to feel good, too.

And when you take time for yourself — whether that’s working out, your skincare routine, or just relaxing — you’re not just doing it for you.

You’re doing it for all the people you care about. Because when you feel better, you are better — both for them, and for you.

So, in case nobody else has told you this today: Take care of yourself.

The TNV Method offers tailored fitness coaching that fits your busy lifestyle, combining custom workouts, personalized nutrition plans, and supplement advice. Our program includes mindset coaching through expert videos and psychologist-led sessions. We track your progress meticulously, ensuring sustainable fat-loss and gradual, long-term results. With endless adjustments based on initial assessments, we guide you to a healthier lifestyle seamlessly integrated into your routine.



Tanvi Parikh

Founder & CEO of TNV Method™ - I've a profound interest in exploring the dynamic relationship between Physical and Mental health. www.tanviparikh.com