From Clueless to Limitless: How Lena Finally Found Her Mojo

Tanvi Milan Parikh
6 min readJun 21, 2024


“Hey Tanvi, why am I not seeing results?”

A month ago, a prospective client reached out to me with a question I hear all too often. Let’s call her Lena.

Lena’s state of mind was readily apparent as I played her voice message. Sounding exhausted, she repeated her grievances in a rapid tone. I learned that she had been dedicated to her fitness routine for almost two years. Having promised herself she would get into better shape in a matter of months, she had followed a combination of various workout plans and diets.

Despite putting in her all, she wasn’t achieving her weight loss and muscle-building goals. She felt as though she wasn’t in on a secret that every slim and fit model she saw on social media knew from day one.

She couldn’t stop thinking about her weight, she confessed.

She would swipe through two dozen YouTube shorts and hardly come across a video that did not call her out on her concerns.

She caught herself staring at women her age on the train whose fit bodies seemed to laugh at her as she balled her fists.

Sound familiar?

Despite Lena’s best efforts, she:

😞 Struggled to achieve a waist-to-hip ratio of 0.75

😞 Failed to build her desired muscle mass through generic strength training

😞 Lacked a consistent sense of direction in her fitness journey

Photo by Zohre Nemati on Unsplash

Want to know why Lena’s efforts weren’t yielding results (and perhaps you’re feeling the same way)?

Because Lena was trying random workouts and diets, hoping something would work. Instead of following a proven plan, she:

😩 Tried to follow a keto diet, but soon found it was unsustainable, causing her nausea and fatigue

😩 Overcomplicated her workouts at the gym with over-the-top deadlifts and lat pulldowns

😩 Got caught up in the latest trends like replacing healthy habits with weight loss supplements

At the end of the day, Lena was left feeling discouraged and no closer to her goals.

I have been in Lena’s shoes.

Her story takes me back to my early days, back when I was still getting acquainted with the field of fitness.

I understood early on that having access to a gym and the Internet just didn’t cut it. I also knew there were a million people just like me who also wanted a better way.

The need to have personalized guidance to transform themselves and never having to falter, from coaches who truly cared.

This is why I started the TNV Method.

When Lena had her no-cost consultation call with a coach, she nodded to herself as she heard her experiences offered empathy, and recommendations on what she could be doing better to lose weight. Buzzwords like consistency, compatibility, and accountability. She had heard these terms a million times from the mouths of her friends, family, and of course, fitfluencers. Easier said than done.

What caught her attention was the mention of the term, ‘tenets’. That was a new one. It was more than just a word. It had magnitude.

When she sought further clarity, she was simply told that the golden rule of TNV Method was about going above and beyond, with its foremost tenet to exceed the expectations of clients. That was an ambitious pitch to make, she thought, but would the team be able to deliver?

Yesterday, I received another voice message from Lena. Her familiar, rapid voice greeted me; but my ears perked up when I noted that the weariness of her tone had been replaced by enthusiasm. It had been two weeks into her program, she told me, but she already felt a hundred bucks.

She discussed three different interactions that had restored her faith in herself, as well as instilled a newfound trust in the TNV Method:

🌟While choosing a suitable one-on-one program, Lena felt TNV Workout fit the bill to accelerate her fat-loss, but she felt that she would benefit from mindset sessions with a health psychologist as well. This was not a feature of the plan. Despite feeling that it was a long shot, she messaged the team, wondering if there was any room for flexibility.

Within a few hours, she found herself being offered a uniquely designed program customized exactly the way she wanted, for pricing plans of her choice.

🌟Even as she had been accustomed to working out at the gym, she realized that a change of place to go with her change of pace would benefit her a couple of days into the program. Listening to her gut, she messaged her coach. She thanked her for the plan that had been tailored for her fitness schedule, and asked if a hybrid workout plan, one that could also allow her to exercise at home, could possibly be designed.

“Of course, Lena! 😊” popped up on her phone. Sure enough, she received an updated training program on her app, with a modified calendar, daily goals and habits, as well as tutorial videos for some new home-based workouts.

🌟When she broached the topic of a cheat meal and her inevitable impulse of grabbing a few slices of pizza every now and then, she was expecting a simple yes or no answer. A lecture about self-control, maybe.

Instead, her coach informed her that she would provide her the recipe to make a healthy pizza in her own kitchen, reframing her very idea of a cheat meal to satisfy her cravings, which she could carry with her long after her program had ended.

Photo by Darius Bashar on Unsplash

Two weeks in, Lena both felt she was no longer captive to her negative thought and eating patterns, and soaked in the joy of having made a healthy investment in herself. She knew what she was doing, with a helping hand from her coaches, and was pumped enough to take on the world. She felt limitless.

If you’re spending hours in the gym, perfecting your diet, and still not seeing the results you want, maybe it’s about time you ask yourself: “What’s the point?”

Maybe it’s time to upgrade your method and choose one with a proven track record.

Lena, alongside members of the TNV Method, who were once struggling like you, are now seeing incredible transformations. They’re losing weight, building muscle, and feeling more confident than ever before. Their Testimonials speak for themselves!

Our clients have access to:

Customized workout plans that target your specific goals

✅ Nutrition plans that make eating healthy simple and enjoyable

Ongoing support and adjustments to keep you on track

If you’re ready to take control of your fitness journey and achieve the results you’ve been dreaming of, it’s time to stop trying haphazard methods and start following a tried-and-tested plan.

Allow us to take your frustration away and ensure that your transformation is here to stay.

Let us empower you to adopt the mindset you need to keep the weight off your belly for good.

Tired of pulling all the stops? Choose a full stop fitness journey with us.

Join the TNV Method today to finally reap the rewards of your hard work.

Here’s to your success,


Join TNV Method for a success story of your own. Book your no-cost consultation with a TNV Coach today!

The TNV Method offers tailored fitness coaching that fits your busy lifestyle, combining custom workouts, personalized nutrition plans, and supplement advice. Our program includes mindset coaching through expert videos and psychologist-led sessions. We track your progress meticulously, ensuring sustainable fat loss and gradual, long-term results. With endless adjustments based on initial assessments, we guide you to a healthier lifestyle seamlessly integrated into your routine.



Tanvi Milan Parikh

Fitness & Nutrition coach with indian roots & an engineers mind offering customized coaching via TNV METHOD