De-clutter your Fitness Journey

Tanvi Milan Parikh
6 min readJan 23, 2021

You only need to focus on 4 things. Rest is clutter.

4 years into learning how to make fitness a priority in my busy software engineering life has led me down several paths … some leading to open meadows and others directly into rabbit holes. Today as I was working out, I caught myself reminiscing about the humble beginnings of my fitness journey and all that I knew about fitness back then…

I did not know very much about fitness, in fact, I only had confidence in these 2 thoughts — working out is important for health & nutrition is important to be disease-free. Buzzwords on Instagram such as “cutting phase”, “bulking phase”, “reverse dieting”, “carb cycling”, “water loading” often left me confused and the better part of my brain told me that I should take a professional opinion than simply experiment on my body. I did not want to harm my body on the quest of “looking better” — and I'm glad I did not give in to these trends because the aftermath is often a damaged relationship with the most fundamental entity — food.

Everything that I read on the internet or fitness blogs confused me further on working out & nutrition. There is too much out of context content out there — non-relevant to a regular person seeking health & aesthetics (fat loss) and often detrimental for beginners (or even advanced enthusiasts) because it will leave you…



Tanvi Milan Parikh

Fitness & Nutrition coach with indian roots & an engineers mind offering customized coaching via TNV METHOD